Revlon Professional Daily Care Fine Hair Volumizing Hair Spray

RM 126.00

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 Volumizing Hair Spray

Daily Care Fine Hair

Fabulous daily care fine hair volumizing hair spray 80ml

Fabulous daily care Hair spray for volume brings texture and volume leaving hair thicker without weighing it down. Thanks to C.R.E.A.M system, the hair is repaired, hydrated, protected the color and fight against aging of the hair.


  • Hair hydrated
  • A repaired hair
  • protected color
  • Adds texture and volume without weighing hair down
  • Fight against aging hair
  • Beautification of the hair

How to use :

  • Apply to damp hair
  • Do not rinse
  • Proceed with your styling


Daily hydration and restore hair care program for fine hair (shampoo, conditioner, mask, serum). Gives body and volume, leaving hair thicker. Color protection, Repair, Enhancement, Anti age, Moisturize.

Apply (up to 15 sprays) over damp hair. Do not rinse. Avoid eye contact. Sold exclusively in hairdressing salons.



免冲洗护发喷雾,瞬间使发丝提升浓密度,使用后秀发轻盈,无垂重感。出色的日常护理丰盈的发胶可带来丰盈感和浓密感,使头发更浓密,而又不会沉重。 多亏了C.R.E.A.M系统,头发得以修复,保湿,保护头发的颜色并抗衰老。


  • 每天补水并恢复细发
  • 修复头发干枯毛躁头发
  • 保护新染的头发不掉色
  • 对抗衰老的头发
  • 增加质地和体积,而不会压低头发。

如何使用 :适用于湿发不要漂洗继续进行样式


每天补水并恢复细发(洗发水,护发素,面膜,精华液)的头发护理程序。 赋予身体和蓬松感,使头发更浓密。 色彩保护,修复,增强,抗衰老,保湿。

Weight N/A

Revlon Professional


Be Fabulous


Fine Hair


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